Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Privacy Statement for The Tad James Company (Adriana James)LLC and the Tad James Company, Australia
As of December 1 2011
The Tad James Company (Adriana James)understands that you may have concerns about safeguarding your privacy on-line. The Privacy Statement that follows explains our views and practices concerning privacy, and how they may pertain to you as you make full use of our many offerings. This statement discloses the privacy practices for all of our websites including the website you are currently visiting where you are reading this Privacy Policy.

Article 1. Collection of Personal Information from Site Visitors
The Tad James Company automatically collects and/or tracks (1) the home server domain names, IP address, e-mail addresses, type of client computer, and type of Web browser of visitors to our Web site, (2) the e-mail addresses of visitors that communicate with us via e-mail, (3) information such as personal, financial or demographic information, knowingly provided by the visitor in on-line forms, registration forms, surveys, and sweepstakes entries, and (4) information, either in the aggregate or user specific, on what pages visitors access.
The Tad James Company (Adriana James)places Internet cookies on visitors’ hard drives. We use cookies to deliver information and content specific to your interests, and to save your password so you do not have to re-enter it each time you visit our site. Internet cookies save the visitor’s name, password, user-name, screen preferences, the pages of our Web site viewed by the visitor, and the advertisements viewed or clicked by the visitor. When the visitor revisits our Web site, The Tad James Company (Adriana James)will recognize the visitor by the Internet cookie and customize the visitor’s experience accordingly. Internet cookies are stored on the visitor’s hard drive and are not stored, in any form, by the Tad James Company.
Visitors may decline the Internet cookie by using the appropriate feature of their Web browser software, if available.

Article 2. Use of Personal Data Collected
Personal data collected by The Tad James Company (Adriana James)will be used for editorial and feedback purposes, for marketing and promotional purposes, for a statistical analysis of users’ behaviour, for future product development, for content improvement, to inform advertisers as to how many visitors have seen or clicked their advertisements, and to customize content and layout of The Tad James Company (Adriana James)site.
Names, postal and e-mail addresses, and phone numbers collected may be added to our databases and used for future e-mails, calls and mailings regarding site updates, new products and services, upcoming events, and status of orders placed online.
Financial information collected may be used to check the user’s qualifications for registration, to bill the user for products and services, to notify the user of relevant taxing and regulatory authorities regarding payments or prizes.
Demographic and profile data collected is used to tailor the visitor’s experience at our site, enabling us to present content we think they might be interested in. The Tad James Company (Adriana James)uses customer contact information to send the user information about the company and promotional material from some of our partners. The customer’s contact information is also used to contact him or her in the event to notify the relevant taxing and regulatory authorities regarding payments or prizes.

Article 3. Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties
The Tad James Company (Adriana James)reserves the right to share, rent, sell, or otherwise disclose data it collects on our Web site to third parties. Any third party to which The Tad James Company (Adriana James)shares, rents, sells, or otherwise discloses personal data will be carefully pre-screened by the us, determined by us to be reputable, and will use the personal data for marketing products and services which The Tad James Company (Adriana James)determines, in its sole judgment, that visitors might find of interest. The Tad James Company (Adriana James)will disclose to third parties information knowingly and voluntarily disclosed by visitors, or information in aggregate form.
Through the use of third party cookies, an advertiser will be electronically notified when visitors view or click on its advertisements. This site contains links to other sites and The Tad James Company (Adriana James)is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such sites.

Article 4. Opt-Out Right
We allow users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us and our partners at the point where we voluntary request information about the visitor. This site also allows users to remove their information from our database. If a user removes his or her information from The Tad James Company (Adriana James)database it will no longer be used by The Tad James Company (Adriana James)for secondary purposes, disclosed to third parties, or used by The Tad James Company (Adriana James)or third parties to send promotional correspondences to the visitor. Users can remove their information by writing to us via postal mail at the address below, or by sending an email requesting removal to Contact Us.
Visitors may opt out of having their personal information collected by the Tad James Company, by contacting , via postal mail or via e-mail to Contact Us.

Article 5. Access to and Ability to Correct Personal Data
Upon request via postal mail or e-mail, The Tad James Company (Adriana James)will provide to visitors a summary of any personal information retained by our company regarding the visitor. The Tad James Company (Adriana James)will only send personal records to the e-mail address on file for the visitor name associated with it. Visitors may modify, correct, change, or update their personal record or cause their personal record to be removed from the company’s database. Visitors may change or modify information previously provided by contacting The Tad James Company (Adriana James)via postal mail or via e-mail to Contact Us.

Article 6. Collection of Personal Data from Children
The information and services provided at The Tad James Company (Adriana James)web site by our company, its affiliates, sponsors, and advertisers are not intended to be viewed by children under 13 years of age. All sweepstakes offered at The Tad James Company (Adriana James)are open to United States residents 18 years or older only.
The Tad James Company (Adriana James)will not knowingly permit a child to participate in a game, offering of a prize, or another activity. If a child wins a sweepstakes, that child’s entry will be voided, and another winner will be drawn.
Concerning visitors to its site that it knows are children under 13 years of age, The Tad James Company (Adriana James)maintains the following policies:
The Tad James Company (Adriana James)will not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years of age without prior parental consent, which will include an opportunity for the parent to prevent use of the information and participation in the activity. Without prior parental consent, on-line information will only be used to respond directly to the child’s request and will not be used for other purposes without prior parental consent.
In the event a child submits information to The Tad James Company (Adriana James)Web site, the child must provide an e-mail address for the child’s parent or guardian. Thereafter, The Tad James Company (Adriana James)will send an e-mail to the parent or guardian alerting them to the child’s registration and providing instructions on how the parent can provide consent for the child to view the contents of our company, or how the parent could view or delete the child’s registration, if so desired.
The Tad James Company (Adriana James)will not knowingly distribute to third parties any personally identifiable offline contact information concerning children under 13 years of age without prior parental consent.
No information collected from children is knowingly used for any marketing or promotional purposes whatsoever, either inside or outside the Tad James Company.

Article 7. Our Company’s Right to Contact User
The Tad James Company (Adriana James)reserves the right to contact site visitors regarding account status and changes to subscriber agreements, privacy policy, or any other policies or agreements relevant to site visitors.

Article 8. Our Company’s Right to Change Privacy Policy
The Tad James Company (Adriana James)reserves the right to change this policy at any time by notifying visitors of the existence and location of the new or revised privacy policy.