Welcome to the Resources Library

Here you will find resources that will assist you to broaden your knowledge and get you thinking!

Values: Decoding The Complexity That Drives Us

In this video you will hear about how Values are such a buzz word BUT what's on the surface is NOT always what's actually going on.  Read and Watch More here....

What does manipulation mean anyway?

People talk about manipulation and mind control, is it possible and what does it even mean? Read & Watch more about it here...

Are Your Beliefs Your Own? What Can You Do To Own Your Thoughts?

This video is talking about the simple questions one can ask of themselves to ensure that the beliefs they hold that govern their Values and Life are in fact the beliefs that they chose for themselves. Read & Watch more about it here...

Innovated Technology! Have You Considered That Your Thinking Needs An UPGRADE?

We upgrade our software and computers all the time - what are you doing to upgrade your mind? Read & Watch more about it here...

2 Reasons Your Happiness is Affecting Your Results

Your results are linked to what you think about your happiness? Read & Watch more about it here...

Stop Focusing on the Wrong Thing: 1 Tip to Discipline your Mind?

Have you every considered that you may be focusing on the wrong thing? Read & Watch more about it here...

Why You Can't Try New Things with Old Beliefs: 1 Thing To Do Now

Are your old beliefs holding you back?  They say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks, find out how this relates to your habits Read & Watch more about it here...

Conflict between your Gut Feeling and Your Mind? - Here's Something You Can Do

Have you ever been a situation where you feel conflicted about something and you don't know why or what to do about it?  Read & Watch more about it here...

It's Too Hard! Why Bother? Want To Know Where Your Passion Went?

Sometimes it's really hard to keep up the motivation to achieve what you want.  When your passion disappears and you need to know what to do follow these steps Read & Watch more about it here...

Misery Likes Company - Who Do You Allow In Your Company?

It's often said that you are the people you spend the most time with, maybe you have to ask your friends what they want Read & Watch more about it here...

Women Versus Men And The Link To Your Capability

Adriana discusses what is the relation between Men Versus Women and the beliefs that can hold us back to take action Read & Watch more about it here...

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